
Lauren’s User Page

Hi! My name is Lauren Chen and I am currently a third year Computer Science major.

I love living in La Jolla! It’s so pretty here :sneezing_face: :brown_heart:

My Summer Internship

This past summer, I worked at Northrop Grumman as a Software Engineer Intern, and I created unit tests for one of their programs called BACN. This program

enables a persistent Gateway in the sky that receives, bridges, and distributes communication among all participants in a battle.

In order to write tests for BACN, I had to become proficient at using git commands. Some git commands that I used a lot include:

git status
git add
git commit
git push
git pull

My Hobbies & Extra Info About Me

Some of my hobbies include playing soccer, guitar, and taking my dog on walks. I also enjoy baking; last month I made a lemon poppyseed cake using this recipe, and it was delicious. Recently, I learned how to surf, so I have enjoyed spending a lot of time at the beach. :surfing_woman: :ocean:

This quarter, the classes I am taking include:

Here are the seasons, in order from my most favorite to least favorite:

  1. winter
  2. fall
  3. summer
  4. spring

This was my latest grocery store list:

I am excited for CSE 110 & the rest of this school year!